Are You Going To Let Them Know Today?

Check out today's affirmation


Read and Repeat it LOUD!

Don’t forget to save and repost on your socials. As we recondition our minds into positive and money-making ones, we extend this positivity to our immediate environment. It’s not just enough to affirm this within. We also put it out in spaces where we inhabit, aligning the universe to work it out; JUST AS WE HAVE SAID IT!



The Productivity Corner is our effort to inspire, delight, and motivate you to get the moving parts of what makes you efficient together, and be your most productive and happy self.

This new section is going to feature and spotlight certified Money Magnetz doing what they do best—being hella productive—and it is going to be one feature per week.

So, every week, you will learn from community members about what they do, how they get by their day, and what hacks they employ to be their most efficient and productive selves. It’s like hearing from the horse’s mouth!

…………so countdown with us.


Your 2024 is about to get SUPERCHARGEDDD!!! 🔥🏋🏽⚡

Class Of 2024…

Let’s not forget your calendar. Save the activity calendar and keep your eyes peeled for community emails.

Note the days for our X spaces. Go and reserve your “once-and-for-all” seat by following the page and turning on post notifications. That way, you are always guaranteed early access whenever we have our spaces. Nobody will comman tell you, "Oh, you’re sitting on my spot.”

Don’t forget. yOuNg PeOpLE dEseRVe fiNanCiAL bLisS tOo!