You Go Gree For Person Ke?

Dear Money Magnet...


Yes, we are!

We promised you, our dearest, that we would be back exactly today, and despite all the discouragements that were thrown our way, we kept our promise.


Because we love and respect you. We will stand with you between the heavens and the earth. We will tell you where you are. Do you love—sike! We know you love us too.

First of all,

Okay to be fair that’s the second time we are wishing you a happy new year. Did you get our New Year’s message? You should read it (Again if you already did 🤭).

This year, we have a lot in store for all Money Magnetz, so we admonish you to follow us closely.

  1. DoN’t mIsS ouR 7aM eMaiLs

  2. FoLLow uS oN aLL sOciAl MeDia pLaTfOrmS; iNstAgRam, FaCebOok, TwiTTer, and TikTok.

  3. nO Gree fOr aNyBodY!!!

Let’s not forget your calendar. Save the activity calendar and keep your eyes peeled for community emails.

Note the days for our X spaces. Go and reserve your “once-and-for-all” seat by following the page and turning on post notifications. That way, you are always guaranteed early access whenever we have our spaces. Nobody will comman tell you, "Oh, you’re sitting on my spot.”

And now….


If you actually read the welcome message all the way to this place, your ‘Money Magneting’ has begun immediately. But if you skipped it and came straight down here, I’m sorry you’ll have to wait till February 8th for your magnet to boot 🥴.

Only one way to get your magnet ‘magneting.’ Scroll up and read our welcome-back message.

Read and Repeat it LOUD!

Don’t forget to save and repost on your socials. As we recondition our minds into positive and money-making ones, we extend this positivity to our immediate environment. It’s not just enough to affirm this within. We also put it out in spaces where we inhabit, aligning the universe to work it out; JUST AS WE HAVE SAID IT!

We have some gooooooddddd news coming. But we’ll leave that up for next time.

Tip? “When you are big, you’re big abeg” 😂😂😂

Don’t forget. yOuNg PeOpLE dEseRVe fiNanCiAL bLisS tOo!